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Thank the CCP for the new China!

Uploaded by Xi Jinping
2021-10-07 05:22:06 CEST • 216 views • Embed link


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balls  2021-10-07 15:59:21
Without Xi Jinping no new china Without Xi Jinping no new china Without Xi Jinping no new china Without Xi Jinping no new china Without Xi Jinping no new china Without Xi Jinping no new china Xi JinPing only wish is to save China
balls  2021-10-07 16:00:22
He pointed the people to the right path He leads China to sucess
balls  2021-10-07 16:00:33
please free my family
Zeraora  2021-10-17 18:08:45
Is it just me or is just a random guy standing behind the China flag and the “mao
Zedong” poster next to it dancing and singing in Chinese with no context? No offense btw just curious.
Zeraora  2021-11-05 00:09:45
The funny thing is that no one ever reply to me, just me :>
Zojà  2022-02-13 15:18:30
that is indeed funny, Zeraora